Who are we


Middle Finger Mantras is a community that resembles a locker room for men who are pursuing personal sovereignty in the game of life.

Personal Sovereignty


To provide men with experiences and environments that support their journey toward personal sovereignty.

What We Do


We build a locker room for men to train and compete in the game of life. We align mutual interests, values, and beliefs to create an environment where men work toward a common goal – the best versions of themselves.


Exclusive events that are safe, controlled, and healthy outlets for men to allow their inner warrior to come out. Healthy masculinity balances a peaceful demeanor with a capacity to be dangerous. This focus exposes men to different deadly practices that allow them to improve proficiency while connecting with one another.
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Nervous System Regulation

Rituals designed to synchronize mind, body, and spirit. We utilize physiological modalities to rewire the subconscious mind, unblock the divinely designed human vessel, and connect to your future self, past self, and God. Release, heal, expand, and connect through the nervous system.
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Inner Child

The older we get and the more responsibilities we take on, the harder it is for us to be playful. We create events for men to step away from the presentable, strategic, goal-oriented aspects of themselves. We put emphasis on giving our inner child the attention that he deserves and craves.
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One of our favorite settings to remove distraction, gain appreciation, improve connection, and do deep inner work. We enjoy the outdoor activities that include but are not limited to camping, fishing, bushcraft, and hunting.
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Masculinity Currently


The current approach to being a man in today’s society is resulting in an epidemic of men silently suffering with depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide.

The narrative that men DON’T cry, ask for help or talk about their feelings is proving to be flawed.

We show men that the journey to personal sovereignty requires expression, vulnerability, and reverence.

Featured Services


We facilitate connection through in-person activities that build safety, trust, and respect. After connection is felt, we combine conscious conversation with physiological modalities to release, heal, and expand to become more sovereign men.

Come as you are, how you are


We are an inclusive group that sets firm boundaries. The only requirements are that you are a biological male, are dedicated to self improvement, and have the intent to connect versus network


What men say about us

Part of the beauty of these experiences lies in the unexpected. Take the leap and surrender to fun, combat, connection, and whatever else comes up.
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The healthy masculine is capable of being dangerous; it is this capability that allows him to operate from a place of peace and love.

Healthy masculinity doesn’t mean we have to be the most dangerous person in the room, but we must have the baseline competence and the courage to engage in physical confrontation if it is unavoidable or required.

“It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, then a gardener in a war”

Men have an inner warrior that was tamed and made docile for the benefit of the community and to create order and safety. The issue is this warrior was shoved aside and diminished instead of being embraced in an appropriate environment.

Is the puppy a bad puppy for chewing the shoe or is it the fact that it isn’t taken on runs and doesn’t have a backyard?
We give men the equivalent of that backyard and run.

We utilize various warrior like engagements and training to feed with the beast within each of us.
This is done in a safe, healthy, controlled environment that is consensual, and builds trust, respect, and camaraderie.

Nervous System Regulation

Through nervous system regulation, conscious conversation, and ceremonies, we forget about the past and let go of control of the future so we can show up as the best versions of ourselves.

These practices are agnostic to religion and take advantage of neuroplasticity, quantum mechanics, and bio hacking.

The modalities we utilize bring up the memories, emotions, or energy that have been suppressed so that they can be cleared from the nervous system.

Through the power of the subconscious mind and authentic expression, we shed past versions of ourselves and become more of who we authentically want to be.

Inner Child

As a child we were the most authentic versions of ourselves. As we mature, we are slowly molded and shaped into who we think other people want us to be.

Often times, “finding yourself” in adulthood is simply getting back to who you were and what you loved as a child.

Play is an activity and state.

We create environments that promote presence and play while embracing the innate boy stuff: making a mess, destruction, war gaming, competition, and exploration.


Nature is a place of beauty and resilience that we use for grounding, connecting, and reflecting. Aside from the bio hacking benefits that come along with nature, we enjoy the absence of what we left back in the city.

The change in environment drops us into the present with no electronics to take us out of it, and plenty of beauty to get lost in it.

We have found that perspective is the root of many things, and the ability to willingly change one’s perspective is a super power.

Nature does not rush, but still everything gets done. Connecting to nature with its endless forms of life displays the virtuous cycle of life thereby reduced anxiety and depression.

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